About me

At work, I like to make colleagues and client’s everyday life easier and more inclusive.

Originally from France, I am currently based in Germany but open to work in other locations. Throughout my career, I have worked with people from all over the world, leveraging my design skills to make information more accessible and share knowledge with others.

photo montage of me during a youth exchange, with my bike and with the colleagues from Ironhack

In my personal life, my passions are always linked to creativity, experimentation and technical skills.

Drawing has been a passion of mine since childhood, and I recently rediscovered the joy it brings me. I also have a deep love for Soul and Funk music, and playing bass allows me to pay tribute to this genre while indulging in my love for good basslines.

When I’m not designing or playing music, you can often find me inline skating. It has been my favorite sport since childhood, and the pandemic has reignited my passion for it. I’m thrilled to see it regaining popularity, and I enjoy exploring new places on my skates.

My passion for creativity and design spills over into my personal life, and I’m always looking for new ways to explore and experiment with different mediums. Whether it’s through design, music, or sports, I’m dedicated to living a life full of innovation and creativity.

photo of a drawing of a lighthouse in watercolor, my mint green bass and my inline with the Smiley face on the wheels

About me:

self-portrait illustration

I grew up in Normandy (Camembert and D-Day are our best-sellers) and have a parent from Brittany. This created some intercultural clashes: salted butter is supposedly better than the unsalted one (debatable), fights over to know to whom belongs the Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey (it’s Normandy). Voilà, now that we’ve cleared things up, let’s continue. (Kidding, I love Brittany the most in the end haha)
In 2012, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Graphic design. After a life changing event, I decided to join the French program for volunteering (Service Civique). There I could discover the East of France and learn about NGOs while doing something meaningful (am I not a Millenial anyway?). This was a great experience: I learned to repair bikes (most usefull everyday life skill) and took part in different international voluntary workcamps (as a participant and as a youth leader).

After that, around 2015, I wanted to do the same program but abroad. I guess doing language courses in the UK and Ireland during my teens gave me this taste to discover new places. So I joined Erasmus+ and the European Voluntary Service and went to the north of Poland for one year. There was some cultural shock that went away once I was able to learn the basics of Polish (tshéisht, tsô tàm?).

In each of my voluntary experiences, I was able to use my creative skills: graphic design, illustration, photo and video, either for visual communication materials or workshops. I also learned to be in charge of groups and organize activities for them, as well as managing projects.

Being abroad and meeting different cultures stuck with me, so I thought Berlin would be my next stop. I did a short internship in graphic design (thank you again Erasmus+) and landed a position in a store where I was personalising the clients’ clothes. I trained several colleagues and made different material to guide the customers. Later I joined a start-up in the digital department. There I was onboarding my teammates and proposed tools that were implemented to help with our productivity.

With each job position, I would always look to improve the workflow for my team and improve the experience for the customers.

In December 2022, I joined the Ironhack bootcamp to become a UX designer. That was my way to come back to my first interest: design. 

Fun fact: I can make my eyes move fast 👀. It is not useful in design but it’s always a nice skill to have!